Category: Pet Health

Forbidden Foods For Dogs – Or Not?

LinkAKC recently asked me to do an online Q & A interview – but they weren’t really able to fully use my answers. So I thought I’d give you the unredacted version! 1. Is it OK to give your dog beer occasionally? I’ve had a dog or two in my life that liked the taste of
Crue Protein

The Mystery of “Crude Protein:” What is it, really?

Read the label on your dog’s food, and you’ll see a section called “Guaranteed Analysis.” That’s called the “ingredient dec” (or “declaration”) in pet food manufacturing lingo. Listed there, along with all the ingredients, you’ll find percentages for moisture, crude fiber, crude fat, and crude protein. Given how important protein is to our dog’s diet,
Michelson’s Found Animals.

Never Lose Your Pet Thanks to Michelson’s Found Animals Free Microchip Registry

I received a lot of feedback about my recent blog “False Confidence about Microchipping a Pet” which pointed out some of the pitfalls about micro-chipping your dog or cat, not the least of which is that most people haven’t registered that microchip properly. In the process I learned about a free national micro chip registry