Category: Belkis Cardona-RIvera

Small Business Saturday

Celebrate Small Business Saturday with Halo®

Saturday, November 25, 2017 is Small Business Saturday – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. You can participate in the Shop Small movement and promote your neighborhood small business with Halo. Simply use our coupons by following this coupon link click each individual coupon to print, and
Halo pet products 2017

November 2017 Halo Web Store Special

For our blog and newsletter subscribers, here’s a special offer! When you order $50 or more this month, you’ll get: 20% off Free Shipping Order by 11/24 Use Coupon Code: GIVINGTHANKS20PCT Instructions Go to the Halo Web Store — Shop by adding Halo products and go to your shopping cart. Enter Promo Code in the Order Summary window

Celebrate National Cat Day with Lil BUB and Halo

National Cat Day is this Sunday, October 29th and to celebrate this special day “The Most Amazing Cat on the Planet,” Lil BUB  will give away free cans of Halo® Holistic Cat Food to pet parents who sign up for Halo’s free newsletter. For every can of cat food given away, in partnership with and, Halo® will match it and donate a can to Cat

WHOLE Lot of Difference: Milo’s Sanctuary & Special Needs Cat Rescue

Milo’s Sanctuary & Special Needs Cat Rescue, Inc. located in Burbank, CA, is a non-profit 501(c)(3) founded on the belief that all cats deserve a second chance at life, especially those that have physical disabilities, are seniors, have a terminal illness, or have been abused and need someone to care for, love, and understand them. Halo