What Kind of Music Does Your Dog Like?

Music for dogs


Research has shown that different types of music effect people differently: grunge music is associated with sadness and fatigue, while classical music tends to reduce stress. But how do dogs respond to music? Research published in Psychology Today magazine illustrated how music influences the emotions of dogs. One study suggests that heavy metal agitated dogs, pop music elicited no reaction, and classical music was calming (but did we really need scientific research to show us common sense?!) Analysis also suggests that canines have a sense of pitch. A dog will change his tone when others join in, hearkening back to wolves calling to assemble their pack. Pay attention when you crank up the speakers and see how your dog reacts. Does she howl mournfully (which might follow reed instruments such as a clarinet or a saxophone)? Does she cover her ears, or does Diana Ross inspire her to go find her best toy? If the tunes elicit positive emotions, you’ve got a paws up!

newtraciepic2Tracie began her fascination with dogs and cats by turning her eye as a former investigative reporter on every aspect of living with them, resulting in her encyclopedic resources THE DOG BIBLE: Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know and then the THE CAT BIBLE: Everything Your Cat Expects You to Know. Before long, Tracie was established as a leading pet wellness advocate as her all-encompassing books covered everything from medical issues to behavior, nutrition and environmental enrichment.
Tracie began her career as a radio personality with a live show – DOG TALK® (and Kitties, Too!) – on the local NPR station in the Hamptons, Peconic Public Broadcasting (WPPB) from Southampton, New York (the show is now also carried on the NPR station Robinhood Radio in Connecticut and the Berkshires). DOG TALK® won a Gracie® Award (the radio equivalent of an Oscar) in 2010 as the “Best entertainment and information program on local public radio” and continues weekly after more than 450 continuous shows and 9 years on the air. Tracie’s live weekly call-in show CAT CHAT® was on SiriusXM satellite radio for seven years until the Martha Stewart channel was canceled in 2013.

Tracie lives in Vermont where the Radio Pet Lady Network studio is based, on 13 acres well-used by her all-girl pack – two lovely, lively Weimaraners, Maisie and Wanda, and a Collie-mix, Jazzy.

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