Month: September 2016

National Service Dog Month

September is National Service Dog Month

  September is National Service Dog month and a chance for all of us to reflect on how the human-canine bond directly impacts the quality of life for those people who depend on a dog to get them out and about. Over the past couple of years I have become increasingly aware of the powerful
Sampson from LAPS

Noticeable Results: The Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS) Donation Report

As the animal control service provider for the Township and City of Langley in British Columbia, The Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS) responds to and investigates complaints from the public seven days a week. From stray dogs to cattle running loose to dogs biting humans, LAPS Animal Control Officers meet each challenge with public safety
Jake from Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA

Noticeable Results: Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA – Jake’s Story

The Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA (AAWL & SPCA) is the largest and oldest no-kill shelter in Arizona. Its mission is to create a world where there are no homeless dogs and cats and to be the community’s leading source for pet adoptions, veterinary services, volunteer opportunities, humane education and expertise in animal welfare.
Bird Be Safe Cat Collar

Can You Love Both Cats and Birds!?

There’s a quiet little war going on between the cats allowed outdoors and the birds and their nests, which the cats disturb or destroy. There’s also a philosophical (and sometimes actual) battle going on between bird-lovers who want no domestic cats to be allowed outdoors and cat owners who let their cats roam either full