Author: Bethany Meissner


Rescued Dog Rescues Owner

You’ve probably seen the magnets and mugs that ask “Who Rescued Who [sic]?” and maybe even have one of your own. For Eva Hachey in New Brunswick, Canada, that question is more than rhetorical. According to CTV News, Eva adopted her dog Bruno from her local SPCA. Most people would say that means that she saved Bruno’s
Life of Pikelet

Two Pit Bull Buddies Help Raise Fosters of All Kinds

Pikelet Butterwiggle Stoll is described on his Instagram, as a rescued dog “living it up in Sydney, Australia” who is now a “foster bro extraordinaire.” Pikelet isn’t exaggerating with his claim to being an amazing foster brother. You can see some of his adorable fosters in his Instagram photos. Pikelet was adopted in July 2013 by
Seth Casteel - Pounce

Rescue Cats Featured in New, Beautiful Gift Book

Volunteering doesn’t always lead to an award-winning career as an artist, but that’s just what happened for Seth Casteel. He began photographing homeless pets in 2007 to help those pets get adopted. His photographs were positive, showed the animals’ personalities, and resulted in many adoptions. Through this volunteer work, Seth discovered a passion for pet
Bobo the dog

Dog Shields Disabled Boy from Wasp Swarm

Taking a midday walk is usually an easy way to relax and get some gentle exercise. For one family in the UK, their lunchtime walk became the opposite of relaxing when they ran into a swarm of wasps. Thankfully the family dog protected the mother’s disabled son, Darragh. According to The Express, Lynsey Hayes took her