Halo Pets Blog

Improving the well being of pets and the people who love them.

Gone to the Dogs (and Cats!)

A Tennessee woman left her estate to homeless pets. Glenda Taylor DeLawder, a citizen of Carter County, Tennessee, bequeathed her $1.2 million estate to help care for the county’s shelter animals. DeLawder, who had worked as a telephone operator for AT&T in Washington D.C., passed away at age 72. She left a gift of $540,000
Tom Hardy Donates to Rescue from the Hart - Halo Pet donation #HaloFeeditForward

WHOLE Lot of Difference: Tom Hardy Donates to Rescue from the Hart

Tom Hardy was nominated for a 2016 Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the move “The Revenant.” As part of Tom’s Oscar nomination gift bag, Freekibble.com and GreaterGood.org offered him the option of donating 10,000 bowls of Halo Pets food to the shelter of his choice.  He chose Rescue from the Hart