Author: Bethany Meissner

Ivy the cat from Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada

Hero Cat Saves Trapped Neighbor

Many cat parents have brushed off their cats’ demands for attention. It’s a good thing that Mary Johnston on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada paid attention. According to Nugget.Ca, Mary was reading one afternoon in September when her cat, Ivy, jumped into her lap. The two-year-old Siamese mix then immediately leaped from Mary’s lap to a
Ohio Shelter Dog Saves Cat

Ohio Shelter Dog Saves Cat

If two people can’t get along, some might say that they “fight like cats and dogs.” However, animal lovers know that sometimes cats and dogs can be the best of friends. In the case of a cat and dog in Ohio, one was the other’s hero. On November 14, Freida Feher, a volunteer at the
Ohio Cat Saves His Family from Fire

Ohio Cat Saves Family From Fire

When Alexandra Brown saved a stray cat covered in oil, she never knew that he would return the favor only a few months later. In June 2016, she found a tabby cat in Bowling Green covered in oil and obviously in need of help. She brought the cat home to her family of five and
Street Cat Bob

Street Cat Stars in His Own Movie

How does a cat follow up saving the life of the person he adopts? For Bob, the former street cat, he followed up by becoming a movie star. In 2012, A Street Cat Named Bob was published. The book, written by James Bowen, is the true story of how Bob helped James turn his life around after