Author: Caroline Golon

Rex and the Hummingbird

Rescue Dog Rescues Tiny Hummingbird

  Rex the dog was rescued from the streets. He had only been with his new owner for a month when he turned around and rescued another animal in need – a helpless hummingbird. According to CBS Los Angeles, Rex used to be feral. He lived on his own, scrounging for food, and fighting with other
Service Dog Calms Anxious Bride

Service Dog Calms Anxious Bride

  A woman and her service dog in Sioux City, South Dakota give a whole new meaning to calming wedding day jitters! According to, Valerie Parrott suffers from extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Nearly three years ago, she could barely leave her house. That’s when her mom suggested Parrott look into service dogs. She did,
Cat Saves Family from Fire

Cat Saves Family from Fire

A cat in Cedar Falls Iowa is being hailed a hero after she alerted her family to an undetected attic fire. Travis Ryan was at home when his little white cat Emma began acting strangely. Ryan says Emma was running around in circles and meowing, which concerned him. He thought she was hungry at first