Category: Pet Tips

Bribe vs. Reward for your dog

Do You Have to Bribe Your Dog? Or Do You Reward Her?

There’s a general misunderstanding floating around about what “positive reinforcement” means in training, and the use of food rewards that often accompanies it. There are some “old fashioned” trainers who dismiss reward-based learning concepts as being “bribery” and think a dog should do what you want because he “wants to please you” or is obedient
dog with umbrella and sunglasses

Warning – Heatstroke Can Be Hazardous to Your Pet’s Health!

Although it may occur at any time of the year, heatstroke is particularly prevalent as the weather turns warmer. Heatstroke occurs when the environment becomes too hot and too humid for your pet’s natural temperature-control mechanisms to work. Our pets rely on panting and sweating to maintain their normal body temperatures. However, unlike people, dogs
Hot weather cool pets

Hot Weather – Cool Pets

With the hot weather we’ll all be enjoying outside activities, and there are special safety concerns when it comes to your four-footed friends. Pet expert Warren Eckstein has some advice on how to keep your pets cool in hot weather. HEATSTROKE This is the most serious and dangerous thing to worry about with your pet