Halo Pets Blog

Improving the well being of pets and the people who love them.

How do Dogs Communicate with their Tails?

Many people see a dog with a wagging tail and immediately think the dog is friendly and ready to play. Not so fast. While many times, yes, a friendly dog will be wagging his tail, it’s important to look at the context of the tail wagging and know a little about dog communication before you can assume.
Cat Meow

Why Do Cats Meow?

Anyone who lives with a cat knows that every cat’s meow is unique and distinctive. Some are deep meows, some are squeaky little meows, some are more like a growl and some are like little meow-chirps! Some experts say there are more than 20 types of meows!
Wesley 2nd Chance

Why do Dogs Bark?

Dogs bark. It’s just part of who they are and it would be silly to expect a dog to never bark. Dogs bark to communicate a variety of things and feelings.
Dog Park - Life of Luna the Aussie

Dog Park Dos and Don’ts

Ahhh, the dog park! It can be such a wonderful experience….or such a terrible one, depending on the behavior of the dogs and, more importantly, the owners.

Making a WHOLE lot of Difference: City of Elderly Love

Thanks to food donations with Halo’s partnership with Freekibble.com and GreaterGood.org, City of Elderly Love programs are making a difference in Philadelphia and surrounding communities. Here’s what City of Elderly Love had to say about a recent Halo donation: “The Halo pet food grant has freed up funds typically used to cover the cost of pet food and