Halo Pets Blog

Improving the well being of pets and the people who love them.

Holiday Dangers for Pet

Warren Eckstein’s Holiday Food Alert

Would you know what to do if you walked into the room and found your dog or cat choking? If you are like the majority of pet owners, you’d probably panic and perhaps scramble to locate your vet’s phone number. While you should always keep your vet’s number (and the number of the nearest 24-hour
America's Best Loved Holistic Brand

Halo Gave “10,000 Bowls” to Our Shelters – How Much Food is That, Anyway?

Halo calls itself “America’s Best-Loved Holistic Pet Food” and I can assure you that is doubly true in the cities and towns where the Dog Film Festival traveled this past year! In those destinations, Halo gave 10,000 bowls of pet food to the shelter that was our partner and beneficiary in that location, through Halo’s
mix 'n mores video contest

Contest Alert: Your Picky Eater Can Help Feed Shelter Pets!

Does your picky eater love mix ‘n mores™? Then submit a pet video and Halo will automatically donate 5 bowls of kibble to a disaster relief rescue! One grand prize winner will receive a year’s supply of mix ‘n mores™ AND will donate 5,000 bowls of food to a shelter of their choice. Four 2nd prize winner will receive 6 bags
Marie Alexander and Sassy the chihuahua

Rescued Chihuahua Rescues Elderly Owner

Who would save your life if you fell out of sight and couldn’t get up? For one elderly Florida woman, her savior was a little Chihuahua she had rescued from a shelter. According to ABC Action News, in 2010 a woman was unable to keep her Chihuahua, Sassy, when she needed to move into a nursing