Halo Pets Blog

Improving the well being of pets and the people who love them.

Lake, chocolate lab, from Hound Haven

Noticeable Results: Hound Haven Inc. Donation Report

Houndhaven, Inc., located in central Florida, rescues dogs and puppies from euthanasia at kill shelters. They care for them until they can be placed in loving homes or with another rescue group. They believe that these lives are precious, and are strictly a no kill organization. Halo is proud to partner with Freekibble.com and GreaterGood.org
Bessie and Philippa

Collie Detects Toddler’s Cancer

A scary aspect of cancer is that it can be easy to brush off the early warning signs and delay seeing a doctor until it’s too late. Two parents in England are grateful to their collie, Bessie, for convincing them to take their toddler to a doctor without delay. Bessie may have saved the little