Halo Pets Blog

Improving the well being of pets and the people who love them.

Lucky Seven the cat crashes channel 7 reporter

Stray Kitten Steals the Show on Live Newscast

  You never know what you’re going to see on live television, including an adorable stray kitten crashing a newscast! According to Buzzfeed, that’s just what happened in Detroit one Monday morning when WXYZ-TV Channel 7 reporter and anchor Nima Shaffe was wrapping up a segment in front of the local sheriff’s office. Shaffe was surprised
dog with umbrella and sunglasses

Warning – Heatstroke Can Be Hazardous to Your Pet’s Health!

Although it may occur at any time of the year, heatstroke is particularly prevalent as the weather turns warmer. Heatstroke occurs when the environment becomes too hot and too humid for your pet’s natural temperature-control mechanisms to work. Our pets rely on panting and sweating to maintain their normal body temperatures. However, unlike people, dogs
Halo Pets food donation

Noticeable Results: New Leash On Life Donation Report

New Leash on Life, an animal welfare organization located in Lebanon, TN, is dedicated to improving the welfare of companion animals in the community through shelter, placement, spay/neuter, education and awareness. In addition, they provide pet food assistance to citizens in the community who are in need and assure their animals have what they need.