Halo Pets Blog

Improving the well being of pets and the people who love them.

Quaden and Buddy

Dog Helps Boy with Dwarfism Gain Confidence

Five-year-old Quaden Bayles has faced more life hurdles than most kids his age have. He has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia. Dealing with the challenges of the condition left the boy angry and depressed. That is, until a special dog named Buddy came into Quaden’s life. According to Today.com, Quaden’s struggles aren’t just physical. People

Dog Runs Away Back to Doggie Daycare

  Lots of dogs love to go to Doggy Daycare. One dog, however, loves daycare so much that he ran away from home to go visit his friends there! According to CNN, Riley the golden retriever and his owner were out for a drive one morning when they drove past a group of dogs from