Dog Talk Radio

Happy Anniversary from DOG TALK (and Kitties, Too!) As It Reaches Its 500th Show!

This past weekend the 500th show of Dog Talk (and Kitties Too!) aired on Peconic Public Broadcasting – over 9 years of consecutive weekly shows celebrating the human-animal bond in all its permutations. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to interview authors, artists and experts on far-ranging topics, from advice and health information,
Julie McGuire Photography

Stray Gardens: Photographer Julie McGuire on Dog Talk

When British-born photographer Julie McGuire moved to India 11 years ago, she was shocked to find some 250,000 stray dogs living on the streets of Bangalore. The melee of homeless hounds inspired her to focus on a long-term project documenting the roles of dogs in societies around the world. Her book, Hounds of Hope, is
National Service Dog Month

September is National Service Dog Month

  September is National Service Dog month and a chance for all of us to reflect on how the human-canine bond directly impacts the quality of life for those people who depend on a dog to get them out and about. Over the past couple of years I have become increasingly aware of the powerful


Canine etiquette question: what do you say when you encounter someone whose dog is seriously overweight? I have been in this predicament more than several times and am torn between not wanting to offend or alienate the person, and advocating for a diet and change in feeding habits on behalf of the dog’s long term