Tag: vegan dog food

What Do Vegans Feed Their Pets?

Being vegan can affect nearly every purchasing decision, so it’s only natural to think about how it affects pets’ diets. 
Best Vegan Dog Food

Halo’s Garden of Vegan® Named Best Dog Food

Dogs aren’t the only ones going garbanzo over Halo®Garden of Vegan®. With more than 1 million votes cast by readers in the largest survey of vegan products in the world, Garden of Vegan® won the prestigious 2018 VegNews Veggie Award for “Best Dog Food,” leaping ahead of the competition. Dog moms and dads love Halo®
My GBGV Life with Halo Garden of Vegan dog food

What’s the Difference Between Vegetarian and Vegan Dog Food?

There are a number of vegan and vegetarian dog foods out there on the market, and sometimes it can be hard to tell who’s who in the zoo! Some specifically point out meat-free recipes with titles including “vegetarian” or “vegan,” while others avoid doing so. Let’s take a quick look at the differences between them.

Is Vegan Dog Food Healthy?

This is probably the most common question concerned pet parents ask when discussing plant-based dog food. This is for good reason, of course, because no matter the motivations behind feeding a plant-based food, we all want to be certain that it will be healthy for our companions! Let’s break it down piece by piece and