Tag: Tracie Hotchner

Jackson Galaxy's Cat Camp

Good Deeds at Cat Camp (NYC, MAY 5th & 6th)

Jackson Galaxy’s Cat Camp is a two-day event in NYC that will bring together “regular” cat lovers to mingle with and hear from leaders in the field — cat experts, rescuers, and advocates — who will speak on a range of topics such as fostering kittens, behavioral issues, social media and cats, and special needs animals.
Universal K9

Get Working Dogs From Shelters – Not From European Breeders!

Why does the United States military – and various police departments around the country – continue to spend tens of thousands of dollars per dog to buy potential working dogs from Eastern Europe? Not long ago on DOG TALK® I spoke to Dr. Karen Overall at the University of Pennsylvania vet school on the topic of
Life's a Pooch and Fido Factor Cover

Two Fun Books to Enjoy and Share

This week I wanted to bring two very different books into the limelight – because they show the broad range of the ways in which dogs inspire and delight us, in real life and on the page. Boze Hadleigh’s delightful book “Life’s a Pooch: Quotes About Dogs By People Who Love Them” is chock full