Author: Bethany Meissner

Zoose the dog

Family Dog Rescues Trapped Dad and Boys

Playing in the snow can be an idyllic activity for a family. Building a snow fort with your son and his friend while your golden retriever frolics in the powder sounds like a dream, right? Well, for one man in Nova Scotia, that dream turned into a nightmare until the family dog came to their
Paddington and Sinead

Toronto Dog Saves Owner’s Life Every Day in Different Ways

Sinead Ellis is 25 years old and lives with Parkes Weber Syndrome (PWS), a rare congenital condition. There is currently no cure for PWS. The U.S. National Library of Medicine notes that PWS causes arteries and veins to form abnormally, often causing excruciating pain and sometimes even heart failure. In addition, PWS often causes one
Dog Stops Assault

Dog Saves Owner from Assault on a Texas Trail

If you were jogging in the woods and a man grabbed you, hopefully you’d have someone else at your side to save you. According to KHOU 11 News, a normally gentle and friendly dog, did just that for his owner in Texas in late January. Catalina Humphrey was out for a jog in the middle of
freddie the cat

Facebook Group Rescues Lost Blind Cat

In January, a seven-year-old blind cat got lost outside his home in Waltham, England. The weather in January was bitterly cold and dangerous for a cat used to the indoors. Thankfully, due to Facebook and the kindness of concerned cat lovers, his story has a happy ending. According to the Grimsby Telegraph, Freddie is seven years