Author: Bethany Meissner

WWE dogs

Dogs Help Fight Poaching in Tanzania

We all know that poaching is a huge problem that needs to be stopped. According to the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), “ivory poaching has reduced the elephant population in Tanzania’s oldest and largest protected area by 90%” in the last 40 years alone.. Karin Wagemann is one of the dedicated people working to stop that
Photo Credit: Bethany Meissner

Living With Dogs Appears To Help Humans Live Longer

Maybe someday doctors will advise patients at risk of cardiovascular disease to not only improve their diet and physical activity, but also to adopt a dog!   Most people who have adopted a dog believe that their life is better for having done so. Now those happy adopters can point to a study by Swedish scientists for
Oreo the Cat

Adopted Cat Protects Florida Family from Poisonous Snake

Many people are afraid of snakes. It’s lucky for one family in Leesburg, Florida that their cat isn’t. Without their adopted cat’s courageous actions the family likely would have suffered far more than a fright from a poisonous diamondback rattlesnake who slithered into their yard. As first reported by Inside Edition the Peterson family had been enjoying