Halo Pets Blog

Improving the well being of pets and the people who love them.

therapy dog US swimming trials for the Olympics in Rio 2016

Therapy Dogs Help at U.S. Swimming Trials

At the recent U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials in Omaha, Neb., the athletes employed all types of tactics to keep calm and perform at their best, including snugging with friendly dogs! According to NY Daily News, this year, USA Swimming brought in 30 therapy dogs to help swimmers de-stress before their races. The group partnered with Domesti-PUPS,
Hot weather cool pets

Hot Weather – Cool Pets

With the hot weather we’ll all be enjoying outside activities, and there are special safety concerns when it comes to your four-footed friends. Pet expert Warren Eckstein has some advice on how to keep your pets cool in hot weather. HEATSTROKE This is the most serious and dangerous thing to worry about with your pet

A Basset Hound and A Westie Review Halo Liv-a-Littles®

M.K. Clinton, author of The Returns, a hilarious dog adventure that takes place in New Orleans, recently had her two live-in dogs review Halo Liv-a-Littles®. Bentley, a basset hound and her “grandson,” Pierre, a Westie, shared their thoughts on our natural protein treats thanks to Chewy.com. Here’s what they had to say: Bentley: “This Basset

Sia and Me and the Dog Film Festival

This past weekend, the Sunday New York Times Arts & Leisure section ran a big piece about the singer/songwriter Sia, and her compelling integration of dancers into her videos and performances, as she embarks on a huge national and international tour with her troupe. The article explained the uniqueness of her talent as both songwriter (for some